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Barbecue Chicken Legs

Ingredients (For 3 people): 8 chicken legs 2 c. ketchup soup 2 c. olive oil soup 120 ml of natural orange juice 1 c. balsamic vinegar soup 1 c. oregano soup 1 clove of garlic salt and pepper q.b. Preparation Start by making some cuts on the chicken legs and season with coarse salt. In a bowl, pour the ketchup, orange juice, balsamic vinegar and stir well. Add the olive oil, oregano, pepper and crushed garlic and stir well again. Cover the chicken legs with this marinade and let it rest in the cold (ideally a few hours, although I couldn't wait much longer). Put the chicken legs in the oven for about 20 minutes. Serve with basmati rice and a green salad. Source and Rights:


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