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Cod gratin with cauliflower and asparagus

Ingredients cod steaks Cauliflower asparagus Onion Oil Bechamel sauce Milk Pepper salt Grated cheese So it was like this: I previously cooked sprigs of cauliflower and asparagus. I also soaked and poured boiling water over shredded codfish. In a saucepan, I sauteed an onion cut into very thin slices with olive oil, until it was translucent. I added the codfish, stirred and left on the heat for a few moments. Then I added the cauliflower sprigs (be careful not to use the hardest stems of the sprigs). I then mixed in some Béchamel sauce (I only used about 1/2 of a small packet) and 2 tablespoons of milk and seasoned with pepper. I corrected the salt. In a pyrex or on a platter that goes into the oven, I put this mixture; On top I put the asparagus cut in half. On top, I put grated cheese to taste. I put it in the oven until golden. And ready!! Source and Rights:


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