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Corentry Dogfish

INGREDIENTS - 3 pieces of dogfish - 4 medium potatoes - 1 chopped onion - 2 minced garlic cloves - 1 bay leaf - 1 bunch of chopped coriander - 3 tablespoons of tomato puree - Oil - Salt PREPARATION 1. Heat a pan with a drizzle of olive oil, onion, garlic and bay leaf and let it brown. 2. Add the dogfish slices, potatoes and enough water to cover everything. Season to taste with salt, cover and cook. 3. After the fish and potatoes are cooked, add the coriander (reserve some to decorate) and the tomato pulp, mix and cook until the sauce is clear, for 2 or 3 minutes. 4. Serve with slices of Alentejo bread. Enjoy Source and Rights:


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