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Frango de molhinho com alho francês (Sauteed Chicken with French Garlic)

Ingredients 1/2 chicken 2 cloves of garlic 1 leek tomato pulp salt Pepper Sweet chili Thyme Vegetable butter/olive oil Preparation Very simple and easy, cut the chicken into pieces to your liking, chop the garlic and cut the leek into thin slices and add to a pan or frying pan with butter, with the stove on low and let the garlic cook very slowly. When it starts to become translucent, add the chicken, add the salt, thyme, pepper and paprika and mix, cover and cook for a minimum. After 10 minutes add the tomato pulp and leave another 5 or 10 minutes to cook and soak up the tomato pulp flavor and form that delicious sauce. Serve with white rice. Enjoy. Source and rights: Cat Recipe.


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