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Lamb Chops in the Oven

Ingredients fresh rosemary 1 onion 3 crushed garlic cloves Sweet Chili Powder ( paprika) 2 Tablespoons Wine Vinegar 2 tablespoons of lard White wine Salt and pepper Oil Preparation I cut the onion into thin slices. I put the chops on a small tray, rubbed them with the paprika, put the wine, the vinegar, the lard spread out in small pieces, the garlic, seasoned with salt and pepper, some sprigs of fresh rosemary, spread in the middle of the meat, and a little drizzle of olive oil, then covered it with a slice of onion. I let it marinate for about 3 hours. I then turned on the oven, changed them from the tray (although you can immediately put everything on the same tray that goes into the oven) and they went into the oven, at about 180 degrees. Transfer the onions to the bottom of the tray, place the chops on top, and the remaining ingredients. I watered them with the marinade, and as soon as I saw that they were browned and cooked, I took them out of the oven. For the Rice with Peas: The rice was simple, first I cooked the peas on the side. Then I made a stew with half an onion and a little olive oil, added a cup (tea) of rice, let it become transparent, stirring it constantly, added two cups of boiling water, corrected the salt, added the peas already cooked, I stirred, covered and cooked over low heat for about 8 to 10 minutes, it is advisable to check, if necessary, pour a little more water. When ready, I turned off the heat and let it stay in the pan, covered, for a few more minutes. It was loose, and accompanied the meat very well. Source and rights:


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