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Lamego Ball (FOLAR)

Ingredients: 6 eggs + 1 yolk 1 cup of milk 4 cups of flour 1 cup olive oil and oil (I used sunflower) in equal parts 1 tsp of salt 2 full teaspoons of baking powder 250g of meat – I used bacon, sausage, paio, ham, ham, Alentejo painho Preparation: Preheat the oven to 180º Grease with butter, or line with baking paper, a 30x30 cm tray (if it is smaller the ball will be higher, I prefer it smaller). In a bowl mix the flour with the yeast and salt. Mix the whole eggs with the milk until a homogeneous mixture is obtained. Then add the olive oil and oil (mixed), alternating with the flour and yeast. Place half of the dough on a tray greased with butter and sprinkled with flour or lined with baking paper, place the meat on top and cover with the remaining dough. Brush with the egg yolk mixed with 1 tablespoon of milk. Bake in the oven over high heat for 10 minutes, reducing to low heat until finished cooking. Enjoy!! Source and rights:



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