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Lombo assado à Portuguesa com Castanhas (Portuguese roasted loin with chestnuts)

Ingredients: 1 kg of pork loin salt and pepper 1 tablespoon chili paste 2 cloves 4 crushed garlic cloves 2 bay leaves 1 sprig of parsley 3 dl of white wine 2 onions cut into wedges 3 tablespoons of olive oil 1 kg of chestnuts Preparation The day before, season the loin with salt, pepper, red pepper, crushed garlic, some parsley and bay leaves. Prick a clove at each end of the loin. Cover and reserve in the fridge overnight. On the day of preparation, preheat the oven to 190ºC. Transfer the meat to a roasting pan. Drizzle with the wine and add the onion slices. Rub the meat with olive oil and bake for approximately 1 hour at 190ºC. Baste the meat frequently with its own sauce and turn halfway through cooking. Take the frozen chestnuts and let them thaw a little. About 30 minutes after placing the meat to roast, gather the chestnuts around the meat and drizzle them with the same sauce to taste. Let them bake. Thinly slice the loin and place it on a platter. Add the chestnuts around the sliced ​​meat. Serve immediately with a salad. Enjoy!!!! Source and Rights:


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