INGREDIENTS 800g of plaice in slices 500g of ripe tomatoes 3 or 4 potatoes 1 green pepper 1 onion in half moon rings 4 minced garlic cloves Oil salt Pepper coriander PREPARATION Start by fixing the tomato, remove the skin and cut into slices. Reserve. Peel the potatoes, rinse and cut into slices. Reserve. Cut the pepper into strips and discard the seeds. Reserve. At the bottom of a pan, pour a generous drizzle of olive oil and add the onion and garlic. Place alternating layers of tomatoes, potatoes, sole and peppers, until you run out of ingredients. Finally add the coriander and season to taste with salt and pepper. Cover and bring to a boil. Let it cook over low heat for 30 to 40 minutes, checking at the end if everything is cooked. As a rule, it is not necessary to add water to the stew, the water released by the tomato and the fish is enough to cook everything. But if you want to refine the flavors even more, you can add a little white wine. But it's just as good without the addition of wine. Enjoy Source and Rights: https://amariaeduarda.blogs.sapo.pt/caldeirada-de-solha-43622