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youngsters from Alentejo

Ingredients 300g wheat flour 125g lard 1 egg 125g white wine 1/2 cup brandy 1 (teaspoon) cinnamon 1 (teaspoon) baking powder half orange juice oil fry Sugar and cinnamon for sprinkling Preparation Start by melting the lard in the microwave, place the flour, cinnamon and yeast in a separate bowl, make a hole in the center of the flour and bring the lard to a boil and mix everything with your hands. Then I also heat the white wine and add it to the mixture. After being well mixed, together with the brandy, the orange juice and the egg. Knead well until you form an elastic dough that does not stick to your hands (I had to add a little more flour) and let it rest for +- 15 min. Roll out the dough on a floured bench with the help of a rolling pin (I like the baby ones with a thin dough) with a glass I make the circles and with a lid I made the hole in the center. Fry in hot oil and sprinkle with sugar and cinnamon. They are very good and easy to make. Enjoy :) Source and rights:


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